Keys To Fitness Success

In today's lesson, expect legendary knowledge shot into your brain.


#1 - Give less fucks about fitness. Give more fucks about living


#2 - Give less fucks about the foods you eat. Honestly


#3 - Trust that you know lettuce is healthier than pizza


#4 - Know you are a human and have human DNA (like everyone else)


#5 - Health sciences only work because we all have human DNA


#6 - If other people can get into shape you can too (same DNA, plus valid and repeatable scientific methods)


#7 - You definitely have limiting beliefs. They are limiting you. Find them. Crush them.


#8 - If you check facebook every 20-30 mins that is 28-42 checks on facebook each day, ONE to TWO HOURS per day wasted.


#9 - If you save those 1-2 hours per day and go walking, running, do press-ups, do a food shop, learn to cook - your life will improve


#10 - You must live NOW. Stop looking to the future to set goals.


#11 - You must live NOW. Stop dwelling on past mistakes or past glory.


#12 - Now means now. An online food shop and a cookery book now takes 20 mins to order online and have everything delivered when you are at home. Still don't have enough time?


#13 - You are not too busy.


#14 - You do have enough time.


#15 - There is always someone worse off than you, either in time or money or both, who has what you want.


#16 - When you can focus on the pleasure of living your purpose every day, you can embrace any pain you encounter along the way (burning legs, lungs bursting, hungry belly - you'll handle it)


#17 - Clearly, mindset is very important to achieving success in life


#18 - If you're not happy with your life, 99% of the people you hang around with won't be happy with their lives either. Get new friends who will bring you up a level.


#19 - Desiring a more positive life is a negative experience. You will focus on what you don't have.


#20 - Focus and appreciate what you do have, what you can do now and who you can hang around with.


Rise Above




Anthony Shaw


Head Coach

Raw Strength Gym



PS - if you want to join our program: RISE (training, mindset and nutrition program to improve fitness, health and happiness), then we will start you off with a 6 week introduction where you will get:


> expert coaching on how to lift weights, safely, test your strength and help you improve strength FAST


> join one of our 12 person training teams, so you always have training partners for motivation and to turn up for


> a SIMPLE, really really easy nutrition plan - almost so easy it’s insulting, but it sets you up for more complex plans of ours down the road


For 6 weeks we require a deposit of £149 to see if:


a) you will do what we ask of you




b) see if you like it


If you complete the 6 weeks, we just roll the 150 quid into a membership OR refund it, no hard feelings.


Email me back if you’re interested, I’ll send you an info pack with the sign-up link.