12 hours of hell.

There's no way to say this nicely


I hate walking, unless it's around a park, or on a beach...


I really hate walking up mountains.


But my lovely clients convinced me to walk the Yorkshire 3 peaks this past Easter weekend.


And you know what.....


I hated it, haha




But I did it!


And so did 30-odd other people in our group, raising money for charity and challenging our bodies and minds.


My feet are swollen and sore


But I want to talk to you about commitment.


You see commitment gets misunderstood when it comes to fitness


People think, 'oh all I need to do is raise up my commitment and discipline and I'll get in shape'


Which leads to you trying to eat salad and go jogging every day


Which sucks


Then you quit and CONVINCE yourself that you have no commitment.


I guess you're just 'one of those people' who can't stick to a diet.




I know you can get in shape.


I know you can stick to a diet.


You can even ENJOY training in a gym


Yep, I'm talking to you.


You have the commitment and the discipline inside of you


You're just doing the wrong things.


And the revelation hit me at the top of the 2nd peak on Sunday.....


Because, at any point on that mountain, if I wanted to quit, to go home. I would have had to walk FURTHER to get back to our bunkhouse than if I did the walk in the first place.


I had 'skin in the game'


I couldn't quit even if I wanted to


Can you apply this to your fitness?


Because this mindset forces you to stay committed.


This is why brides always make incredible transformations in the gym just before their wedding: they can't quit!


Or.....if they did quit they'd look like crap on their wedding pics.


Which is a clear, negative driver.


For me, on those mountains, having to walk further than I absolutely had to (if I quit) was a clear, negative driver.


This is why betting you can lose the weight with your friends is a great motivator.


or someone at work telling you you look fat.


That dark, evil shit inside your brain comes out and FIRES you up like nothing else!!


So what's your negative drive?


What don't you want to let happen in your life? Or to your body?


Maybe it's dying before reaching old age due to being overweight.


Maybe it's not getting into your 50s or 60s with joint problems or back pain


Maybe you don't want your kids to see you as a bad role model for health and you don't want them to have weird issues with food


I don't know.


I just know for a fact that committing to a goal where you simply can't back out is a powerful motivator.


Adding in a clear, negative driver keeps you disciplined.


oh, and trust me, having FUN is really important.


but when you join the right gym or hire the right coach, that stuff should happen anyway!


it's the mindset that has to come first.


want help from my team and I to put a fun, effective workout and training program into your life?


What about actually enjoying going to the gym, having massive support online, on the phone AND in the gym, rather than just being another failed statistic in a commercial gym?


Well, we're running a 60 day program


£350 for 8 weeks of intensive coaching (normally £500+ for 1-1 personal training)


Guaranteed loss of 6kg of body fat or your money back


AND best transformation wins 600 quid CASH!


All the info is on our website below...


ladies click here: http://www.rawstrength.uk/60-day-shred-challenge


guys click here: http://www.rawstrength.uk/mens-60-day-challenge


Deadline to apply is THURSDAY!!


speak to you soon




PS - I really do believe that training can be fun, effective and part of a lasting change to your life.


But you have to summon up the courage to reach out to my team and I TODAY.


We simply don't know who is reading these emails until we get an application.


I know you've probably been watching us online for a few weeks or months, the next step is actually NOT training with us, it's a phone call to see if we can help you, then you get to train with us if we can help you.


It's nerve-wracking to apply, yes, but the worthwhile things in life always are....and we're going to talk you through it anyway.


Make sure you apply today.


ladies click here: http://www.rawstrength.uk/60-day-shred-challenge


guys click here: http://www.rawstrength.uk/mens-60-day-challenge