Posts tagged Transformation Fitness
suffering from back pain?

suffering from back pain?

You CAN fix chronic back pain.

I’ve made a video of the approach I take with my clients to rid them of back pain.

Not back ache mind you.

But agonising, daily pain that affects your mood and makes you think twice about leaving the house, let alone hitting the gym.

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RSG fitness TIPs of the week

What’s up team, hope you’re having a wonderful sunny Friday.


We are getting a taste of summer now, it’ll soon be tops off time.


Are you happy with your body?


Getting stronger, fitter and healthier means you’ll have a leaner body - these things go hand in hand.


SO here are the top tips we’ve sent out this week in a nice easy summary 😃


Have a read - go and DO!

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An easy fitness plan

Fitness has got a bad reputation:


> overly complex advice


> differing opinions


> extremely boring and strict methods


Which leads people to flat out give up.


In my opinion, giving up is never a good option.


Especially when we’re talking about giving up on your own health, strength and really, your sanity! 


So is there such thing as an easy fitness plan?

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Pillars of Life

One thing that I believe is extremely important when you want to get healthier is looking at your lifestyle.


Symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle are things we all battle with: excess body fat, constant bad moods, stress, tiredness, unfit etc.


These are symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle. Not something we can fix directly. 


Read that again - we cannot fix these things directly, without surgery and medication that is, and I’m assuming you don’t want to go down that route!


So let’s look at the main lifestyle factors that CAUSE these issues.

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