Rock a NEW Beach Body & Make Sunny Days More FUN!


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90% of people fail on a summer body transformation when they go it alone

Of those 10% who are deemed successful

Guess what?

I'd say only 1% actually get what I call...

...wait for it...

'THE Important TWO'

(OK, that name needs some work but stay with me)

What are the 'important TWO' I hear you ask?

Let me tell you my lovely friend...

1) The transformation is healthy & sustainable

2) The transformation is dramatic

I'll illustrate this with a story.

A guy came to me a few years back

Let's call him Jim

Now Jim really wanted to drop 2 stone

to look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G on his upcoming holiday

Imagine the scene....'ve just got off the plane

Baggage collected

Sun is shining

Cool, icy drink in your hand with those little beads of water running down the chilled glass...

And the body of a movie star

For Jim, this seemed very unbelievable when he first started

So he hesitated to take my advice on nutrition

Couldn't step up his intensity when it came to training hard

I could tell he wanted more than anything for me to take him to one side and tell him the 'secret' to transforming his body

You know, those claims you see on infomercials with cheesy american voiceovers

Jim wanted me to say...

"Jim, I've been lying to you, we don't have to get stronger, progressively train more intensely and at a more furious pace every session, you don't have to eat clean foods and fuel your body and stay disciplined for 3-6 months MINIMUM...

...instead just drink this shake 4 times per day, stick your fingers down your throat and vomit straight after and then every 3rd day at precisely 4 minutes past midnight... need to dig a hole in the garden, howl like a wolf and make a peace offering to the gods of physique and muscle-dom and you'll be super-shredded in 4 weeks or less!!!"

^^^ this is a JOKE before anyone gets confused

But there is an important lesson there

Firstly, fad diets are just that


Designed to steal your hard earned cash and keep you coming back for more with NEW NEW NEW products

Secondly, the key to transforming your body is to do it long term

Imagine losing 1-2lbs of bodyfat every few weeks

That would be around 3 stone lost this year

Another 3 next year

IF you have less than 6 stone to lose, basically what I'm saying is that by taking a slow, healthy and steady approach to improving your body and mind then

You will get 'THE important Two' of a dramatic yet lasting body transformation

Cos there's nothing worse than staying committed to a diet for 6-10 weeks and losing 'weight'

Yet not looking better

Feeling like crap

And when you 'stop' the diet you bounce back to previous weight, if not heavier

The key is to never stop

To make a lifestyle switch

And if you want my help to show you how to do it then listen up

I have space for 10 new men in our private transformation group

I'll show you how to measure your body for results without using the scales

How to link those results to your calorie intake

What the '21 superfoods' are and how to incorporate those into your daily calories for more health

More health, by the way, means you feel alive, awake and have clear thinking 24/7

^little tip for this, drink a ton of water every day :-)

Anyway, you'll also have 3 sessions a week with a group of awesome guys just like you

And all coached with your own personal trainer

So that's nutrition, training and health all included so you can get your beach body on and rock a healthy, lasting body transformation for GOOD

Price is just under £50 per week for 12 weeks

Apply here > Anthony Shaw

Head Coach

Raw Strength Gym, Warrington PS - Only about 2 months officially until Summertime begins, so let's get you started before my 10 places are taken up

Apply here >