Smash Down Your Walls...          

603756_964300256915375_4282071973235254289_nEver felt like you can't motivate yourself to do something?

I sure have

Maybe it's doing the washing up

Food shopping

Preparing your meals in advance

Or even getting to the gym in the first place!

Whatever your problem there's ONE sure way to fix it

> KEEP on persisting

Let me tell you a story

....actually 2 quick stories, overdelivering today I know ;)

Firstly, when I was running my business 2 years ago I had a part time job in a bank

You know, to keep things going whilst in the start-up phase

I desperately wanted to quit this job


I went ahead and put in my 4 weeks notice

I'd grown the gym to the point where I could work full time


Soon as I handed in my notice


Now, let me just say that I only had about 15 clients at this time

But still, my income was cut in half from the gym

My income was GONE from my other job cos I'd quit


You bet

But I kept pushing and persisting and within 8 weeks of quitting my job

I had more clients than ever and I WAS HAPPY

^^ something we all forget about is happiness


Last year I pushed hard to take our gym from a small-ish 1000sqft facility

To our current facility which is 4000sqft

Again, we pushed hard to grow our client base and expand

But I hadn't taken into account about 25 different projects that would need to be done

> buying and setting up a LOT of equipment

> painting the walls (6m high and 20m wide!!)

> setting-up a coffee bar, which is a business in and of itself

And on and on

Whilst still running a BIGGER business than ever

* * *

Here's today's lesson...

"Every time you PUSH for something you want, the universe (or god or whatever you believe in) pushes BACK ten times harder. It's a TEST. It's something to OVERCOME not be overwhelmed by."

Keep this in mind each and every day

And EXPECT difficulty

Look for NEW problems and embrace them

Because our goals are only realised after a struggle

And the greater the goal the greater the struggle

So toughen up peeps :)

Have a great day

I'll speak to you soon

Anthony Shaw

Head Coach Raw Strength Gym, Warrington

PS - If you want to join our 12 week mens body transformation program we have 6 places left this month

STEP 1) Understand we work to a RESULT: specifically losing 1-2 stone and adding 5-7lbs of muscle in the first 12 weeks. Intensive BUT with a result or your money back.

STEP 2) Fill out a form and apply:

We'll be in touch to discuss your goals and see if we can work together