Strong News: RSG Strongman, FREE Sessions & Getting Through Winter Without Letting Your Training Suffer

Whats Up Raw Strength Fans!

Welcome to the Raw Strength's Strong News where we'll be sharing the latest goings on in the gym and some top tips to help you progress throughout Winter 2016.

And We're Off... 21 Day Spartan Body / Wonder Woman Challenge

From today Friday 2nd December all the way up until Friday 23rd December our clients are taking on our TOUGH 21 day challenge. They will be eating and training like warriors for a whole 21 days with a few social occasions thrown in... Tis the season after all! Last year when we ran this challenge we got some insane results with many of the guys dropping inches off their waists and the girls dropping a dress size, with an average fat loss of 7lbs! 

The Fit Life Community: FREE Training Session Monthly

From December, we're inviting all our friends, fans and clients to a FREE 45 min High Intensity Training Session the second Saturday of every Month at Raw Strength Gym. Along with our free nutritional and training advice group, we're hoping to help everyone in the local area get a little more clarity with their training and nutrition and help you make huge progress in the gym next year, whether you train with us or not! 

ur first FREE session will take place on Saturday 10th December at 11am. All you have to do is send us a text message/FB message to book or book by emailing us at Invite your friends and let them see first-hand how real training is done!

A HUGE Thank You from all of us at RSG

Saturday 29th October saw us host our first ever party, a Halloween Party! The gym was kitted out with lighting, straw bales, a huge stage area and bar area and also a haunted house! The turn out was incredible, many drinks were had and hangovers earned, especially if you played at the beer pong table! It was all for a fabulous cause, and we raised an amazing £540 for B-Eat ( a UK based charity raising awareness about eating disorders and helping those who suffer. So a huge thank you to all that made it a success, especially those who donated prizes for the raffle, equipment, baked and helped us with the logistics. We couldn't have done it without you

RSG 4th Annual Charity Strongman Competition & Christmas Party

Our Annual Charity Strongman competition is going to be held on Saturday 17th November for the 4th year running! Incredible! Each year we get a bigger and bigger turnout, the competition gets fiercer and the prizes get bigger! This year we will be raising money once again for local charity Ciaran's Cause, an independent non-profit charity raising awareness and money for defibrillators in schools and sports clubs. 

Our events and weight categories are yet to be finalised, last year we had 4 events, 3 men's weight categories and 1 women's category with prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place in each category. This year we're aiming to go bigger and better, so make sure you enter the competition as soon as possible. Entrance cost is £10 with all proceeds of entrance fees, plus the proceeds from all refreshments and snacks we sell on the day going to our awesome chosen charity. So make sure you bring some spectators with you on the day!

In the evening our Christmas Party is going to be held at Mojo Bar & Tapas, Warrington from 7:30pm, clients and friends welcome! Tickets for the party are £22, guaranteed to be an awesome night with more than one "drink for the road"!


Don't Let Winter Stop You From Looking Good In Summer

It's true what they say, Summer bodies are made in Winter. Look at it this way, the average person puts on 1lb per week without training and being mindful of what they eat and drink. Over the 3 weeks in the lead up to Christmas, that average is 7lbs! So each year, if you spend 3 months of the year hitting the gym in time for bikini season, guess what! You've still gained on average 1lb per week for the rest of the year plus the 7lbs over indulging at Christmas. This year kick the trend of undoing all that hard work over the winter and starting all over again in the New Year.

See Christmas is not a month or two long. Aside from the occasions in December such as your Christmas party, and the 3 days of Christmas (Xmas Eve, Day & Boxing Day) there really isn't a reason that you can't be mindful of what you eat. HOWEVER, here are a few tips to let you have your Xmas Pudding and Eat it this December...

1. Don't Diet! 

Unless you are really disciplined, don't bother trying to get through weeks without having a cheat meal or a few drinks. All that will happen is when you go out, and the temptation gets too much, you fall off the wagon completely, stuffing 5 mince pices and a gallon of Glühwein  in your face. Plan your social occasions, when you will cheat ie. a meal out or a night at the Christmas Markets. Then plan the rest of your days, and other meals that day, around it. It's much better to allow yourself a treat every now and then, than try to stick to something you won't be able to.

2. Winter Training > Winter Resting

Yep, it's cold, dark and almost always raining, plus you walk around in a coat most of the time so what's the point in going to the gym. Well apart from the extra lbs that you'll end up having to shift next year, exercise makes you feel good! The endorphins you release when you exercise will keep the Winter blues at bay, so don't stop doing the things that make you feel good!

3. Use the Extra Cals to Increase your Strength

It's better to eat and train than scrap the lot and go back to feeling unhappy. Even if you do overindulge. Make sure you get your arse in the gym as much as possible and use this time to increase your strength. The surplus in cals will help you smash those heavy weights up, leaving you with more muscle and a faster metabolism when you do go back to a strict nutrition plan. It's only called 'Massing' if you TRAIN. 

So that's all from us this week! Keep training hard and have a great December.


P.S. Grab a FREE copy of our Lazy But Lean™ Nutrition System right here: