The 5 Greatest Training Secrets

This is what you absolutely MUST be doing each and every time you train to become the ULTIMATE athlete….

You might not like these rules but LIVE by them and you will be UNSTOPPABLE!



1) Lift Heavy – The foundation of all fitness is strength. Get stronger using basic and heavy exercises and you have a great foundation to transfer into endurance, power, speed or whatever your sport requires. Bottom line = lift heavy and often.

2) Do what you don’t like doing – Take a good look at yourself. Do you only train what you enjoy doing, e.g. curls? Cos that’s a BAD idea. It’s probable that whatever you like the most in the gym or in your sport is what you are best at. Get into the habit of forcing yourself to train or work on whatever you don’t like doing, whether its heavy leg work or just practising catching a ball, if you don’t like doing it you probably suck at it! 

3) Never miss a workout – Because somewhere out there your opponents are always training. Ask yourself the question, did I become better at my sport today? I know that some days you can’t be bothered to go to the gym, or you may be injured, or tired or whatever. Save it for someone who cares! Get in the gym, even if it’s just flexibility work or recovery exercises so you can answer the question with, “YES! I became better at my sport today”.

4) Always have a goal – Think of this as your map (or sat nav for the modern generation!). If you don’t have one, you’re gonna get lost! Set a goal for your sport and your training, e.g. I’m going to make the team this year and I’m going to squat twice my bodyweight. Then split these goals into smaller steps and get to work! Goals help you stay focused.

5) Surround yourself with positive influence – It’s hard sometimes to stick to your goals and keep training. So make sure you have a strong and positive support system. Get a training partner with similar goals so you can compete and push each other to improve, listen to music you like, hang around with positive and helpful people, hang motivating pictures up in your home/on the fridge/in the gym. There are a million ways to stay motivated. Are you using any?!

Stick to these rules like glue and you WILL become a better athlete.

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Anthony Shaw

Raw Strength