Lost your Way in Fitness and Diet?

So there I was, grabbing my rolls of belly fat, staring at my body in the mirror....

....upset at my lack of 'sexy bod'. AGAIN.

After perhaps the most inconsistent training period of my life all last year

I’d had great levels of strength, muscle and got myself lean and fit…

Then I'm seemingly back at square one!

You've been there're right?

Of course!

You'd be lying if you said you hadn't

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Anthony Shaw
Monday Motivation - Self-Belief

Self belief

It's a powerful thing

Yet YOU are letting yourself down

This week was the same as last week.

Every day rushing past with no meaning or purpose to your time

Just work work work


Feeling busy and stressed is normal


Not 'refilling your cup' means you will run on empty

This week I've already shared a TON of stuff with you

SO here's my challenge to you....

What are you going to do today, tomorrow or the next to IMPROVE your life?

Pick ONE area from the below - goals or mindset or habits or schedule

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Anthony Shaw
The ONLY Way to Transform Your Body...

If every year there are more programs, diets and new personal trainers and coaches than ever before...

...WHY are there more obese, weak and unhealthy people than ever before?

I believe the reason for this imbalance lies in much time we are all willing to sacrifice in the pursuit of excellence.

Going to the gym is like going to school and studying something intense like Law.

Yet people approach fitness as if all they have to do is wake-up, put on their trainers and eat some spinach and they should be getting results.


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Anthony Shaw
How can you cure back PAIN in 2 moves?

They say there’s two ways you can INSTANTLY make a friend for life….

…To make them remember you, even LOVE you FOREVER…

They are:

1) save their kids lives


2) remove their pain

Seeing as it’s unlikely this message will save your kids lives…

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Anthony Shaw
3 of the greatest lessons Muhammad Ali taught us

3 of the greatest lessons Muhammad Ali taught us:

1. The path to success is always the hardest. To achieve your goals you have to be willing to put in the work!

I run on the road, long before I dance under the lights. I hated every minute of training, but I said, ”Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

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Anthony Shaw
The Shadow Watcher

Now I don’t know if this is a ‘man’ thing or not


Out of all the ladies and fellas who sign up to our body transformations

The women just see our adverts, or our website and go right ahead and join

But the men…

….oh boy

They lurk in the shadows for months

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Anthony Shaw
Get CONTROL over yourself and SPEED up results 10X

I want to share one thing that has defined my life for the past 10 years

This one thing will help you to commit to your fitness goals with a fire you’ve never felt before.


* * *

Running a gym is the biggest challenge of my life and it’s been a wild ride since day one.

It’s like having 10 jobs all rolled into one; manager, coach, company director, marketing executive, TV presenter, writer and I could literally go on and on.

Funny thing is, I never wanted to have all of this – I just wanted to own a cool gym and have a job I loved!

It’s morphed and grown from a tiny shed gym, to a huge business and multiple staff members and I’ve ha…

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Anthony Shaw
How To 10X Your Fitness Results...

One benefit I've always had since starting out in fitness

Is that I've always trained the 'right' way

There's so much confusion about what the right way is in fitness

Because on the one hand; you've got scientists, coaches, athletes

....people who study and practice what GETS RESULTS

On the other hand; you've got entrepreneurs, business people and salesmen

...people who study what MAKES MONEY

And what they offer as the product for you to buy is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

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Anthony Shaw

or Why Being too Comfortable makes us WEAK…



Simply put, every week you need to refocus


Get back on track


Set your sights on goal once again


And ultimately, make sure your actions are aligned with your goal.

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Anthony Shaw
Massive Gym mistakes I see all the time...

We’re now into the second month of 2020 and I’ve got an info-laden email for you to print off and read today.


If you want change…


…which I presume you do if you’ve signed up for these emails


then don’t start the new year by doing the SAME things as last year!

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Anthony Shaw