Why Being in a Team is the Centre of Everything

During the lockdown you probably didn't register ground breaking workouts, deadlift heavy, or beast yourself with disgusting conditioning.

That's because you were in isolation.

You had NO accountability to show up to train or eat right

You were cut off from being surrounded by positive people

You had no structure or deadline to your goals

You had no team energy to feed off and train with INTENSITY

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The DANGER Of Positive Thinking

I believe positive thinking is dangerous.

Let me explain…

If I always visualise a perfect fitness goal

Let’s say, achieving a HUGEEE male physique like Schwarzenegger…


17 stone of pure muscle and 0% body fat

Then, this is dangerous for me to even contemplate

Because the reality is, I probably won’t achieve that.

(I definitely won’t push my 5’ 10” frame to grow to 6’ 4”!!)

BUT WAIT! I hear you cry….

Isn’t it better to shoot high when setting a goal?

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Anthony Shaw
COVID killed The Holiday Diet

I overheard something CRAZY yesterday

Yet thinking about it, it’s a phrase I hear ALL the damn time

Maybe you’ve even said it…..?

“I’m going on holiday in 6 weeks, better start going to the gym”

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Anthony Shaw
How to Build More Muscle and Strength

Most people struggle with building muscle more than any other goal

You may think fat loss is hard to achieve?

Maybe you can’t improve on your pull-up strength?

Is your nutrition and meal prep overwhelming you and not getting done at the moment?


ALL of those areas pale in comparison to building muscle….

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Anthony Shaw
Go All The Way

You want to be successful?


Jump off the cliff

You can’t back out half way down


Imagine an alcoholic trying to get sober

Then having ‘just a little drink’ every night

Is that person going to get sober?

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Anthony Shaw
Monday Motivation - purpose

here you are, day after the Sunday blues….

So let’s get the mind ready to kick some ass….

REALISE that your fitness goals will not come true unless you apply what I’m about to share

In fact, without implementing and hammering this skill into your brain

None of your life goals will be achieved at all!

Scary stuff.

Yet this ONE thing is a simple rule:

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Anthony Shaw
(T + E) x C = SUCCESS (keep hammering away)

Let me explain..

T = Time

We all live in a fast paced world. As a result we want things quickly. The advancement in technology has meant that we can access to many of the things we need instantly..

For example, We can shop when WE want to and we can now watch programmes when WE want to.

This demand for things in an instant has Impacted on all areas of our busy lives. But none more than the food industry.

In our pursuit for convenience we saw the creation of the TV dinners in America during the fifties. This was around the same time as McDonalds opened their first fast food restaurant.

Both ventures satisfied the demand of providing food for people in a rush.

Over the years, both of these ventures would experience phenomenal growth, development but no one would have ever imagined the negative impact it would have on people's health.

Ready meals became even quicker due to the invention of the microwave and the drive-thru fast food restaurant means we now don't even have to waste time to get at of our cars to get our food!

Unfortunately, along with this growth and development saw a decline in the quality of food, with the introduction of artificial ingredients, resulting in the consumers weight increasing and their health deteriorating.

Has this been a price worth paying for convenience??

Our appetite for quick, easy and instant solutions to everyday problems shows no sign waning. After all, we are all so busy and have so much to do in so little time, don't we?

Patience! We don't have time for Patience!!!

The Health and Fitness industry has over the years tried to meet the demands of making people achieve health, wellbeing along with an amazing body in little or no time with the minimum of effort.

One of first and probably most famous inventions was the vibrating belt machines.

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Anthony Shaw