Posts in lifestyle
Why Being in a Team is the Centre of Everything

During the lockdown you probably didn't register ground breaking workouts, deadlift heavy, or beast yourself with disgusting conditioning.

That's because you were in isolation.

You had NO accountability to show up to train or eat right

You were cut off from being surrounded by positive people

You had no structure or deadline to your goals

You had no team energy to feed off and train with INTENSITY

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The 5 Greatest Training Secrets

Ask yourself the daily question, did I become better today? I know that some days you can’t be bothered to go to the gym, or you may be injured, or tired or whatever. The reality is this: The Universe Doesn’t Give a Shit. You can either achieve your goals, or make up excuses as to why you failed.

Here’s how to succeed beyond your wildest dreams with 5 simple secrets….

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How Mindfulness can Improve Your Workout

Training is hard, understanding how to stay motivated and never give in is one of the greatest challenges of self-improvement.

It is a war, and EVERY day is a battle. 

If you win the battles, you’ll win the war.

But how do you stay motivated?

As in the Buddhist practice of Zen, “THE ONLY TIME IS NOW”. 

Read it until it’s ingrained in your mind. 

During training your mind will play tricks on you. Don’t let it.

Practising mindfulness is a way to strengthen your mind. 

Perhaps you notice thoughts like, “I’ll do this set then leave it there.” Or “I don’t feel up to it today”


These thoughts are mental limits on your physical ability!

Remember that the only time is now :-)

Here are a few ways to focus on “the now” in your training:

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The Science of Meditation

What if I told you there was a proven, simple way to reduce stress that we all have access to?

It’s time we spoke about meditation, brought it out of the shadows and discuss it’s use in managing stress.

Meditation is a practical, simple and cheap way of reducing psychological stress.

Reducing stress is important as part of a healthy lifestyle as a way of preventing stress related diseases and psychological issues (anxiety, depression).

You can also improve cognitive function, i.e make it more likely you’ll eat veggies than ice cream later on today!

So what are the types of meditation most commonly used?

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Want a Simple Guide to Calories?

Most people fail to understand calories, choosing to starve themselves in the classic "fad diet cycle"...

....drop calories, burn muscle mass, crave junk food, binge out, store fat, then wonder why they look worse year after year.

Calories are key when it comes to losing fat or building muscle, yet most people get confused and make mistakes.

I think the confusion arises because we expect what we eat to have a direct effect on how we look.

Eat less, lose fat, right?

Learn about the Goldilocks zone, optimal fat loss, maintaining muscle mass and revitalising your health.

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Here's why you keep skipping the gym...

Most people go from never training, straight to attempting to show up.

But what happens?

The schedule creaks, cracks and compromises.

Excuses sweet talk you into quitting as you drive home.

Not being prepared and procrastinating wastes potential workout time.

Then you quit.

Instead, take baby steps towards training becoming a regular part of your life.

Put yourself first, and ask for support from those around you.

Use this simple method to drop the excuses, see that you've failed to stay healthy...

...and DO something about it.

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Be productive, even when lazy….

In all of my training, healthy eating, reading and coaching clients, I've found one thing to give me the most powerful boost in energy.

I call this the 10 minute rule.

Here's the rule:

Go to work, for just 10 minutes, on a task you keep putting off

And this practice is what will help you improve the most, over time.

What do I mean by a task you keep putting off?

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How to Actually Get to Sleep

Finding it hard to switch off at night?

I ALWAYS ask my clients if they're sleeping well

Because if they aren't bad things will happen

Sleep helps regulate appetite, mood and mental health

Meaning you'll snack more, feel crap and perhaps a bit down or lost each day

Not enough sleep also increases markers of inflammation

Chronic inflammation has been linked to certain diseases such as heart disease or stroke, and may also lead to autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis

Problem is, nobody knows how to sleep properly!

So today, my sleepy friends, let's go through THREE ways you can sleep bette

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WIN weekend dieting....

Sticking to your plan on the weekends can be TOUGH

Many people quit

But it can be super simple!

Let me tell you a quick story

A few months ago I was running a nutrition seminar at RSG.

'twas a Sunday morning, all was calm and well

I ran my clients through basic eating, how to focus on calories and be disciplined.

Towards the end of the seminar….

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schedule a better life

If you are feeling:

> anxious

> guilty

> lonely

> lazy

...and any other negative emotion really.

Then 9 times out of 10 it can be traced back to a bad weekly schedule

What a bad schedule does is damage your emotional energy levels.

You work too much and don't rest

You then feel tired and don't train

Not training leads to feelings of quitting

Quitting leads to low willpower and unhealthy eating

Your mental state only gets worse from here.

A good schedule however, will give you:

> lots of free time and hobby time to recharge your batteries

> sacred time where you train and improve your health

> family time to improve relationships

> social time to catch up with friends and feel human again

How is your schedule going this week?

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