Eat on the go and stay healthy: PART ONE

When we eat on the go we tend to eat crap. We know eating junk is bad but we still do it!

This is a massive obstacle to being a healthy, strong and happy human.

So let’s talk about why this happens and how to fix it.

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Stressed & Sleeping Poorly? You’re not alone

I believe there's an epidemic sneaking up on us...

I see hundreds of people each year walk into my gym (not bullshit marketing hype here, I actually do as a head coach of a decent sized gym)...

....and it's time to talk straight.

YOU are struggling.

Stop hiding it.

Stop ignoring it.

You have no identity or life of your own.

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Why we eat crap on the go

Our body responds to modern stress just like it responded to the old sabre-toothed tiger: fight or flight. 

In preparation for a fight, or a flight, our body releases cortisol and adrenaline

This stimulates a variety of physical symptoms like faster heart rate, slowed digestion, shaking, flushed face etc. 

The problem is, we are not in great danger in modern life! 

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Fat Loss, Diet, MindsetAnthony Shaw
it’s Monday, you got this.

it’s Monday, you got this.

Monday getting you down?! 

Let’s get fired up! 

You got this.

Amazing things happen with a positive mental attitude.

The Sunday night blues can be hard to shake.

We all want to run away sometimes!

Not go to work

But look..

Unless you actually ran away to a wifi abundant desert island yesterday, I’m going to guess you’re at work. 

Naughty you! 

Hope nobody sees you being positive and thinking for yourself over here….

I want to share 2 things today:

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Are you a sad clown?


You having a beer/wine tonight?

Look, that is totally fine. I love beer. 

So first off, don’t think this post is anti-fun, it ain’t.

Today I want to talk to you about managing your stress levels.

Quick checklist to see if you are stressed:

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Where to start with fitness

Just a quick one 

Whenever you’re stuck in life, there’s actually lots of actions you can do to turn it around.

You always have options

I struggle with this a lot.

Personally, I feel overwhelmed quite easily and will put off taking action because I overthink it.

I make it more complicated than it actually is.

But I’ve got a pretty good way of dealing with this that I’d like to share.

And when I get this right, my life always changes in a BIG way, from tiny actions :-)

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Why I hate shiny abs and super six packs...

You can't change when you think your problems are unique

Let me explain this in 30 secs…

Imagine any film or TV scene where someone goes to an AA meeting (alcoholics anonymous) for the FIRST time.

Everyone’s sat in a circle, and they introduce themselves by saying:

“Hi, my name is Ricardo and I’m an Alcoholic”

And everyone else says…

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your health is fine until it isn’t

One of my favourite books is The Tartar Steppe.

A young army officer goes to a remote fort to start his career.

He has loads of hopes and dreams.

Every day the soldiers gaze out across a mysterious desert, waiting for the enemy to appear.

They’ve been waiting for decades, but every now and then a glimpse of something on the horizon gets their hopes up.

Is it a distant sandstorm? 

Or is it the enemy approaching?

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Salad, vomit, and going too far.

"yo Ant, you look like you've put some weight on!"

There was a time when that would be a compliment to me.

Back when I played rugby, being heavy was a GOOD thing.

Yet I struggled to gain weight past a certain point, and you may laugh at this, but if you haven't actually TRIED to get heavier in a short space of time, you'd be surprised at how tough it can be.

Anyway, I devised a wonderful meal plan:

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responsibility = freedom

One of my clients had a revelation this week.

She has finally been able to lose body fat consistently. Her ability to take responsibility for what she was eating was key.

I’ll share her story in just a second, but first I want you to know something. 

You can lose weight. You can get fit. You are already fit enough to get started. 

Be in the now, be in the present, step up to the mark and - if you’re not happy - do something about your health and fitness NOW.

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