How to get disciplined.

MASSIVE topic today!!!


F-it up and you have ZERO chance of changing your body


Yet despite the mystical, ‘life-coach’ vibe that discipline has, it’s actually really simple to do.




Decide upon your PURPOSE




Write down a GOAL aligned with your PURPOSE

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no gym makes me sad 😔

A few weeks ago I went for a run


Now this is amazing for two reasons:


1) I was anti-running for a long time. Thought it would affect my strength & muscle.


2) I just got up off the sofa and did it, outta the blue, no planning or thought.


You know what?


I felt awesome.


Normally I overthink my training and try to make it perfect.


I use the exact sets/reps and effort scales that the research dictates


But that day, I just thought ‘fuck it I’m going for a run’ and I went

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This is really sad….

I’m afraid today I’m going to start off on a very serious note.


You would not believe the amount of emails I receive from people who are in a really bad way.


They don’t believe in themselves anymore.


They don’t have life goals.


Their life consists of work/sleep/work on a repetitive cycle with no end in sight - and they’ve settled for that.


The minimal free time they do have is jam-packed with doing things for OTHER people.


Taking the kids to kid stuff. Meeting up with family on the weekends.

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Want some motivation, help and a big challenge to kickstart your fitness?


We have 10 places left this month for our best ever 6 week transformation challenge, and it is absolutely free.


Truthfully, this is all our best stuff from the past 8 years put into one fast-track program.


We’ve now transformed over 500 people and have the longest running transformation program in Warrington.

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2 things deeper than they first appear....

What's up Raw Strength fans.


Before we start today, if you want to experience what we do at RSG for FREE, then check out the link below with all the info (what you get, times & location) on our newest 6 week challenge program.


It's free because we want to show more people just how effective our training & nutrition systems are.


And what a nice bunch of people we have at the gym, we are a TEAM!

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DietAnthony Shaw
Crying in the Kitchen

As sure as the sun rises each day, conflicting values stop success.


A few years ago, full time coaching was all I wanted.


Yet, I couldn’t quit my job for fear.


Fear of what others thought, fear of being broke.


All kinds of fear.


One day the pain of having a life I hated hit home.

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Craaaaig Daaavid…..NOW!

Yesterday I had an amazing discussion with a mindset coach


He told me something EPIC


Apparently Craig David has a watch that says NOW


Like no hands or ticking


It literally says NOW on the face.


It made me smile at first


Then as it sunk in, it’s quite profound


What time is it?

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when something HAS to change

Have you ever been in a place where you’ve f-ing HAD it?!


When you feel like you can’t face getting out of bed as there’s nothing to get up for?


I believe we all have had a struggle in life at some point


Maybe you’re even struggling right now.


Either way, please read today’s message all the way through, it’s life-changingly good.


Anyway - the struggle….


I have been there myself many, many times.


Short story before we get started…

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Ricardo’s flat earth theory 

one of the most F*CKED up sayings is


“you’re entitled to your opinion”


in most areas of life, I agree


Of course you are entitled to your opinion on things like my writing style (doesn’t mean I’ll listen haha), or your best friends dress (how could she wear THAT again?!)


When it comes to scientific fact however


Now we’re in a different ball park


You don’t get a say in FACT


Like the sky is blue - FACT


Then Ricardo goes and says “In my opinion it’s more of a green…”

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