caveman mode

the secret to staying motivated 24/7 is NOT to be inspired


NOT to watch Rocky films over and over again (although nothing wrong with that!)


The KEY is to instil a mindset of ‘no way out’


No other option


Whatever it takes


Burn the boats

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Ignore The Pain, Achieve The Consequences

If I said, you could earn a million pounds if you picked the healthy option out of the following:


lettuce vs pizza


I hope you’d enjoy your million quid 


cos thats f-ing easy to see, right?


So if you already know what’s ‘human food’ and what isn’t


Then why do we ALL find it so hard to eat clean and hit the gym?


Well, it comes down to looking at the consequences of your actions


…and this is classic human nature btw…


We are all coded DEEEEEEP in our DNA to mainly look at short term results.


ever heard of first order consequences?

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Mindset, Fitness, DietAnthony Shaw
reality vs the plan

I’m reading a great book called “The Warrior, The Strategist and YOU” 

It’s by an ex-SAS soldier called Floyd Woodrow

Here are some stand out points I thought you might like:

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the end of fitness as we know it

my world has been rocked


is everything we thought we knew about fitness been wrong all this time?


If so, it would explain why so many of us fail to achieve our goals of looking and feeling better.


Here’s just a few points to think about:




We’ve been sold the dream that training at a maximal heart rate for repeated sets of 30-45 seconds will increase fitness and burn fat.

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PS I don't blame you

ever seen someone who eats well & trains every week like clockwork but who isn't in shape?


me neither...

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WHY do you want to get fitter?

I wake-up demotivated quite often.


My work ethic is really good, to be perfectly honest.


I can stick to habits and routines designed to achieve my goals for a LONG time.


But damn, isn't it crap when you've been working hard yet not seeing results?


I stop doing the work when I feel like that.


> cheat on my diet


> skive off work


> skip training


> stay up late watching TV




Motivation is at an all time low


My body feels tired and my belly is bloated


My muscles are actually MORE achey and tight when I don't train (probably because my warm-up and lighter sets have a nice tonic effect on my muscles and nerves)


But progress definitely stops.


Why does this happen?


In my opinion, there are a few obstacles

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MindsetAnthony Shaw
Today, choose success

There are two kinds of people


1) Those who think success is about luck


2) Those who think luck is for losers


Because, success is about HARD WORK.


But what does that really mean?


It means doing the stuff you don't want to do when you don't want to do it.


If you can push past that, then you will be successful.

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MindsetAnthony Shaw
WHY you must crush your demons...

waking up depressed and tired is a problem


because how can you perform at your best if you don't feel very good?


I've struggled with this for years


from the old days when I used to work in a bank and hated going to work each day


to the tough business times where getting out of bed is a struggle (and I wasn't sleeping great either)


how can we solve this?




Each day, wake up and EXPECT to feel like shit


But have a process to improve your mood


I call this the 'crushing demons' ritual

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Jay's Tips: 5 Things NOT To Do Before Training

When we look at fitness and training at RSG we always try to first look at the science behind any fact that is thrown our way. The problem with doing that nowadays is that everything can be very easily ‘backed up’ by science and sometimes looking at the “facts” just adds to the confusion.

The main issue is that anybody and everybody can voice their opinion and due to the digital world, we live in, we can all see it.

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