How to Believe in Your Self

YOU are letting yourself down

This week was the same as last week.

Every day rushing past with no meaning or purpose to your time

Just work work work


Feeling busy and stressed is normal


Not 'refilling your cup' means you will run on empty

This week I've already shared a TON of stuff with you

SO here's my challenge to you....

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schedule a better life

If you are feeling:

> anxious

> guilty

> lonely

> lazy

...and any other negative emotion really.

Then 9 times out of 10 it can be traced back to a bad weekly schedule

What a bad schedule does is damage your emotional energy levels.

You work too much and don't rest

You then feel tired and don't train

Not training leads to feelings of quitting

Quitting leads to low willpower and unhealthy eating

Your mental state only gets worse from here.

A good schedule however, will give you:

> lots of free time and hobby time to recharge your batteries

> sacred time where you train and improve your health

> family time to improve relationships

> social time to catch up with friends and feel human again

How is your schedule going this week?

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how to fix CBA thoughts

When you miss a few days of logging a new habit, your mind says something like:

"ah I can't be arsed now, I'll never catch anyone else up, I quit"

First there's a big drop-off in EXECUTION, then motivation drops off too

If you've tried a new habit and it's already disappearing, here's what to do:

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life without meaning

almost 10 years ago I started Raw Strength Gym

in a tiny storage room. With no idea of how to run a business.

Fast forward four and a half years and I'd grown the business into a large, really professional looking gym

...but I was DEPRESSED!

Growing the gym was my goal, it got me out of bed in the morning and fired me up!

But once I'd achieved that, mentally things went downhill…

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this'll really hold you back

Ever felt intimidated?

Or in awe of someone else?

Feeling 'less than' is never helpful

So today I want to teach you how to overcome this.

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scary gym times...

sometimes you may find yourself paralysed by fear

too scared to do what you said you were going to do

Let's say you wanted to train 3x a week, joined a gym, set out your gym clothes and set your morning alarm.

Then, you wake up early, start to worry about walking into the gym and being the most unfit person they'd ever seen

The most out of shape

The weakest

The slowest then roll over and set your alarm for another 90 mins sleep.

This is common!

And easily avoidable.

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The RULES of getting leaner

Do you ever feel like you aren't getting leaner or stronger?

This can be really frustrating when you're sticking to your diet AND going to the gym too!

why do some people get good results from eating well and training hard, yet others flat out fail?


I guess this is a survival mechanism in the brain, the 'chimp brain' - which is always looking for danger. Emotional or physical.

Over millennia, rather than deluding ourselves with positivity, negativity kept us safe.

"should we go into that dark cave? It looks scary. It might have a bear inside"

Problem is, how your chimp brain 'feels' your results are going is NOT a good way of gauging progress on a fitness plan.

Here's an example…

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Eat on the go and stay healthy - SUMMARY


The way you look and feel is a side effect of how you live your life.

For many people, it's easy to review whether you need to change directions in life or not.

Simply look in the mirror and ask, “am I happy with the way my body looks?”

Or, “am I living as my best self?”

This will give easy (if quite painful!) indicators of whether or not a new life strategy is needed.

It’s not enough to simply try to “eat better” or “stop eating crap”

You’ve tried that and it didn’t work!

In my experience, when somebody improves all areas of their life, it’s much easier to eat right, train hard, sleep well and feel great.

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Eat on the go and stay healthy: PART 4

We all love to eat takeaways, pig out on holiday and have sugary desserts, and I think that in moderation this is important to do. Eating foods you like is fun and you must do it to live a good life. But some people may be choosing to eat crap all the time, consciously and when not stressed. This is typically a problem of a poor mindset, a negative outlook on life.

This presents a massive obstacle to the individuals health, and sometimes I just can’t save a person from themselves.

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Eat on the go and stay healthy: PART TWO


We all get stuck in a rut.

In fact, I believe the way we live our lives is broken.

People in the UK spend less than 2 hours of their day outside

The average british citizen will spend 47 years working, probably in a job they hate

The fitness media does a terrible job of separating facts from fiction.

And so try as we do, after doing a diet 95% of us will regain the fat lost within 3 yrs.

Back to 'stuck in a rut' mode


I did this once.

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