Posts tagged herbalife
is herbalife a scam?

The Incredible Adventures of Herbalife!


Oh yes, it's time for a good old rant again.


Today we are talking down herbalife.


Expect unbiased reporting as usual ;)


I see so many people trying to make money flogging bottles of this chemically castrated cat-food to their friends and family that it makes me sick.


I get that you want to make money.


It's so sexy, the alluring 'work from home' headlines.


Unfortunately they are selling a dream that will never come true.

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We could stop calling it 'weight loss'....

Conditional happiness happens when you say things like:


"I'll be happy when I fit into my bikini"


"I'll be happy when I get a promotion"


"I'll be happy when I bench press 100kg"


The happiness is conditional on you achieving whatever's in your mind.


Therefore, and this is THE most important thing....




Which is what I believe is the entire problem with the phrase:


"weight loss"

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