Posts tagged fitness
ONE Thing to Transform Your Day & Your Life

There I was, the last person sat in a coffee shop at 9.30pm on a Friday

Working on my business

Looking at all my projects I was yet to finish

….but I couldn’t even START any of them

I was just staring at a blank page

Ever felt like that?

The thing is

Today I work less hours than a few years back

But I get MORE done!

Stay with me here > >

…..because this could will certainly change your life…..

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food poisoning...FML

so… last weekend I got some food poisoning


in fact, I actually think it wasn’t poisoning per se


But it was my body rejecting too much junk food over the weekend.


I mean, I really went to town.


I know this isn’t what you expect to hear from a fitness professional


But that’s what I did.


I’m not proud.


I want to restore my health, and your faith in me (!) so here’s what we are going to do:


> lay out some basic rules for eating healthily


> set out the PILLARS OF LIFE to live your code each and every day


> be more active, let your body act like a human body, rather than an insect locked in a cubicle. 

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Jay's Tips: 5 Things NOT To Do Before Training

When we look at fitness and training at RSG we always try to first look at the science behind any fact that is thrown our way. The problem with doing that nowadays is that everything can be very easily ‘backed up’ by science and sometimes looking at the “facts” just adds to the confusion.

The main issue is that anybody and everybody can voice their opinion and due to the digital world, we live in, we can all see it.

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I thought it was forever....

Years ago I worked in a bank.


It gave me some regular cashola to help run the gym in the early days.


But damn, I HATED working there.


I hated getting up every monday and NOT working on my passion.

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my weird trick of fitness....

my weird trick of fitness....


I was walking through the park this morning


Coffee in hand


Sun a-blazing (weather's been awesome and makes you FEEL so much better, right?)


...then I saw them....

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My Advice on Eating Clean Foods

Be honest, do you struggle to eat healthy foods every day?


I sure as hell do.


Today I share the secret to staying on track.


I've always struggled to eat clean foods, in the amounts that would support my training goals.


A problem I've been aware of since starting training years ago.


A problem you're likely experiencing right now.


But the thing that fixed it for me is not what you think.


You see...

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Fitness isn't that hard...

I'm fed of seeing people failing to follow through on their goals


Good people too


People who should know better.


People who claim they don't have time to make a meal plan


yet have seen EVERY damn episode of that Tom Hardy thing on BBC


What. The. Fuck.


I'll change your life right now:

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Live in or near Warrington? This is for you!

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next '6' in 60 Days' challenge so you can look and feel great in 2017.

All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:



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is herbalife a scam?

The Incredible Adventures of Herbalife!


Oh yes, it's time for a good old rant again.


Today we are talking down herbalife.


Expect unbiased reporting as usual ;)


I see so many people trying to make money flogging bottles of this chemically castrated cat-food to their friends and family that it makes me sick.


I get that you want to make money.


It's so sexy, the alluring 'work from home' headlines.


Unfortunately they are selling a dream that will never come true.

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