Posts tagged muscle
Jay's Tips: 5 Things NOT To Do Before Training

When we look at fitness and training at RSG we always try to first look at the science behind any fact that is thrown our way. The problem with doing that nowadays is that everything can be very easily ‘backed up’ by science and sometimes looking at the “facts” just adds to the confusion.

The main issue is that anybody and everybody can voice their opinion and due to the digital world, we live in, we can all see it.

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How to Build More Muscle and Strength

Most people struggle with building muscle more than any other goal

You may think fat loss is hard to achieve?

Maybe you can’t improve on your pull-up strength?

Is your nutrition and meal prep overwhelming you and not getting done at the moment?


ALL of those areas pale in comparison to building muscle.

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And On The Seventh Day God said... "Sit Down And Rest Will You?!"

When approaching an exercise program we all come across problems of our own creation, often these are due to urban myths, bro science or simply a misunderstanding of how the body works and responds to exercise.

Think back to the last time you planned a new exercise regime, it may have been the first time back at it after a long period off or it could have been a plan to take the next step up in your training. I bet you went through and planned out each and every days exercise... Am I right?

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Lifting Weights Will Build The Perfect Female Body

‘But I don’t want to look like one of those muscly women!’

…Ah, I have heard this a thousand times.

Almost from EVERY female member we’ve ever had in fact.

Yet it is what’s known as a COGNITIVE BIAS

Know what cognitive bias is? Anyone?

Basically, it’s when your brain uses set patterns to make decisions

Yet if those patterns are faulty, BAD decisions get made

Such as…. NOT lifting weights if you’re a female!

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