Best of the week RSG

What’s up Raw Strength fans - hope you’re having a great week!

This is a weekly round up of this week’s articles and IDEAS for you to start living a better life

Remember - we are running a free 6 week trial of our flagship RISE program. 

EMAIL me if you’re interested and I will send a PDF of all the relevant info:


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“99 percenters”

Most people are happy to chug along in the same job every year, even though they HATE it.

Most people drag you down, they don’t mean to of course, but they do.

This is a big problem when you get fired up and step up your positive actions.

For example, ever been on a diet at work?

You hear stuff from the 99 percenters like…

“are you dieting again?”

“want to come out for a drink this evening?”

“you having salad….again…?!”

They want you to live DOWN to their expectations. You’re probably making them feel bad about themselves.

Just like crabs in a bucket - when one tries to escape the rest drag her back in.

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Weight loss is a funny thing…

I got tricks.

Lotsa tricks to stop you eating too much. 

Because overeating is THE barrier to your goals.

This is not a recipe list, or a “5 easy tips” kinda article.

I’m going to simply share a few tricks I’ve noticed actually WORK to burn fat

You see weight loss is a funny thing...

It’s MORE important to STOP doing stupid shit...

...and LESS important to add in smart training, personal trainers, supplements etc.

Because NONE of that works when you are overeating! 

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huge healthy mindset FAIL most people make!

Fitness gives you a focus, a North Star, to guide your waking hours. 

Having a clearly defined purpose is an important part of sports psychology.

A purpose = WHY you are doing what you are doing.

Here’s a good example:

You can probably tell me what you do at work, but WHY do you do it?

…and I don’t mean to earn money or to look after your kids, everyone has responsibilities.

WHY do you do it? 

What’s your mission?

What do you get out of your work?

Things get murky fast when you think like that don’t they?!

That murkiness exists in your PHYSICAL BODY every day, if you don’t have a focus on fitness. 

People with fitness related goals know exactly why they…

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ESSENTIAL success traits of FIT people

This bank holiday you’ve probably sat down with friends and had some time to THINK

Thinking about your life, friends, body shape, happiness etc.

So let’s create some positive actions to FIRE YOU UP for the week!

Are you happy with your fitness level?

Now that the vests, shorts and skirts are coming out in the sun, many people are feeling self conscious about the way they look.

But WHY do so few of us have six pack abs, strong arms, or superb legs?

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suffering from back pain?

suffering from back pain?

You CAN fix chronic back pain.

I’ve made a video of the approach I take with my clients to rid them of back pain.

Not back ache mind you.

But agonising, daily pain that affects your mood and makes you think twice about leaving the house, let alone hitting the gym.

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RSG fitness TIPs of the week

What’s up team, hope you’re having a wonderful sunny Friday.


We are getting a taste of summer now, it’ll soon be tops off time.


Are you happy with your body?


Getting stronger, fitter and healthier means you’ll have a leaner body - these things go hand in hand.


SO here are the top tips we’ve sent out this week in a nice easy summary 😃


Have a read - go and DO!

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An easy fitness plan

Fitness has got a bad reputation:


> overly complex advice


> differing opinions


> extremely boring and strict methods


Which leads people to flat out give up.


In my opinion, giving up is never a good option.


Especially when we’re talking about giving up on your own health, strength and really, your sanity! 


So is there such thing as an easy fitness plan?

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Pillars of Life

One thing that I believe is extremely important when you want to get healthier is looking at your lifestyle.


Symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle are things we all battle with: excess body fat, constant bad moods, stress, tiredness, unfit etc.


These are symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle. Not something we can fix directly. 


Read that again - we cannot fix these things directly, without surgery and medication that is, and I’m assuming you don’t want to go down that route!


So let’s look at the main lifestyle factors that CAUSE these issues.

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food poisoning...FML

so… last weekend I got some food poisoning


in fact, I actually think it wasn’t poisoning per se


But it was my body rejecting too much junk food over the weekend.


I mean, I really went to town.


I know this isn’t what you expect to hear from a fitness professional


But that’s what I did.


I’m not proud.


I want to restore my health, and your faith in me (!) so here’s what we are going to do:


> lay out some basic rules for eating healthily


> set out the PILLARS OF LIFE to live your code each and every day


> be more active, let your body act like a human body, rather than an insect locked in a cubicle. 

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