Posts in Fat Loss
When you can't finish a program...

You know, I've probably started more programs than I've finished.


In fact, who am I kidding, I definitely have!


I've been lifting weights for over 17 years now


And every 2-3 weeks since day one I pretty much get excited about some new program, or diet, or exercise, or gimmick...


....and I want to jump in and try it!


But let it be known my followers, thy divine secret of all future gainz is....

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Our Next LEAN in 28 Program Starts Soon...

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next LEAN in 28 program so you can look and feel great in 2017.


All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:


So if you:


- Want to find an enjoyable way to get back into fitness, and lose a guaranteed 3kg of bodyfat in your first 28 days

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Why fitness is confusing.

Ever had one of those lightbulb moments?


I have them all the time.


not because I'm particularly clever


But usually because I'm doing things so arse-backwards that when I finally see the light it's a big revelation.


Take lifting weights, for example.

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unbelievable fitness truths

Today I thought I'd share a few 'accepted beliefs' that annoy me in the fitness world, stay with me, you may find the truth hard to handle....


....but after the initial sting, you'll thank me.




1) You'll have to eat MORE than you think.


If you've gained more fat than you'd like it can ONLY happen when the body has been in fat storage mode.


Fat storage mode is caused by undereating.


So eat more often throughout the day, rather than starving yourself then overeating.

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what's in it for me?

there's only one thing that drives your motivation


it's the little nasty voice in your brain saying....


what's in it for me?


For example, losing fat is a 'you vs you' struggle where the 'good' side of your brain wants to eat clean, train hard and improve...


....but the 'bad' side is always asking what's in it for me?


Problem is, if you can't answer this question you will fail.

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it's summer shred time dudes

Ah the sun, we all love it.


It's a great reminder that summer is on the way


Which means suncream, ice-cold beer, melting ice-cream, sand in your shoes, endlessly reading the latest sexy-tease novel....


....but there's a bigger issue that nobody ever talks about...


Feeling GOOD about taking your top off (guys) or feeling confident in your bikini (girls).


I don't hear anyone talking about the fear of de-robing on the beach, do you?

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in the gym, no one can hear you scream!

"You're standing in the petrol station queue one wet Thursday afternoon, glance at a magazine cover model and just think 'fuck it, I'll never look as good as him/her.' "


Just me?

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lose weight by eating more, wtf?

Leaving Uni as a 21 year old hot head, I thought I had all the answers.


I approached opening my new gym all those years ago with an arrogance that simply telling people what to do would get them results.


Life chewed me up and spit me back out. For example, when it comes to losing body fat we have a very simple energy equation:


calories in versus calories out.


But trying teaching this to clients when I'd just left uni?


No chance.

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Comfort = Laziness and lost goals

It's very easy to get comfortable in life.


Every time I've gained fat, it's due to getting comfortable.


Every time I've taken a step backwards in business, it's due to getting comfortable.


....and I'm sure we all know what happens when you get comfortable in a relationship!


Comfort breeds laziness.


Laziness is a lovely, warm, fuzzy feeling that holds us back.


It's the silent killer of dreams.


It's the demon that keeps you in a job you hate for a few too many years.

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The 'Get Back On It' Omelette...

Seemingly for no reason?


Here's what to do to 'get back on it'....


I always wish I had a magic 'panic button' that would get me back on track.


The magic button doesn't exist unfortunately.


But here's what I do instead


**drum roll**

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