Diet’s Fail due to ONE thing...

Hey guys!

Quick message today

As you know, I spend hours each week talking with people

Solving problems

Teaching how to live a healthier life

ah, the constant lessons I give to my Raw Strength disciples who progress at the speed of light

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….and then it hit me

There’s a problem when writing goals down


I believe that when we write goals down it DOES NOT MEAN they will come true


Think of all the failed new year’s resolutions


As a whole I’d guess that 95% of resolutions are dropped after the first 3 weeks


Then the rest fail soon after that


But WHY?


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Anthony ShawComment
take control of your body with this trick

You likely stay up way later than you should


You’re perpetually sleep deprived


You don’t ever feel rested


And when  you have to get up 30 mins earlier than usual




You may as well be a zombie.


So here, my friends, is the ONE thing to save your sleep

Remember back when you were young


Ah, the good old days


Life was simple


You used to play for hours


And then, the dreaded two words would drift into your ear..



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When you're feeling down...

For every ONE ripped, lean 'selfie' pic I see online...

...I know there are thousands of people who are nowhere near that state of physical perfection

Many people are annoyed, frustrated and ready to give up on 'dieting' and going to the gym

Maybe you feel like that today.

But know this

When you are trying to change yourself you must suspend disbelief

Literally FORGET what you THINK is possible

cos that's likely holding you back right now…

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6 ways to blast away your 'spare tyre' for good...

Westworld can teach us a lot

(the awesome 1970s futuristic flick)

Yul Brynner stars as a robot/android working at an entertainment park

Like the disney of the future


His robot job is to act like a crazy cowboy

Starting fights with holiday-makers

Challenging them to 'duels at noon'

The gunslinger

Turns out his circuits aren't wired correctly though..

...instead of entertaining the visitors to Westworld

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I think about Cheesecake when I'm in the shower...

There I was, lying on my bed with my 'cheat food list' on my chest

my top off

wondering what the hell I'd done last night....

Ever been dieting and the only thing you can think about is the food you're NOT supposed to be eating?

Me too

In fact, unlike a lot of personal trainers and fitness coaches, I openly admit that I love a little bit of good food now and then

Cheesecake especially.

So I completely understand your struggles

And I want to share something that's helped me a LOT.

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The fitness lessons of a stale cuppa...

Today I want to teach you something that I see people misunderstand every single day

Whether it's on the phone with people in consultations, or messages and emails online

It's a BIG problem

Yet by solving and clearly understanding this one concept you can radically speed up your progress in fitness, strength, fat loss, muscle gain WHATEVER you like, and quite easily too

Without it.... not so much

So let me ask you something

Ever seen a cup of tea go stale?

I mean really rotten

And a half full cup of course, for all you pessimists

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3 Ways to Expand Your Mind…

The power of the mind can unlock massive gains in strength, muscle growth and athletic performance (aerobic/anaerobic power)…

So how much do you care for your brain?

I’m going to show you three incredible ways that I’ve used with myself and my clients to help the mind expand into new beliefs, behaviours and strengths that will take you to a higher physical level that you are on right now.

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