3 Secrets to Dramatic & Lasting Body Transformations: PART THREE

This is a three part series to help men & women like you BREAKTHROUGH the barriers and myths of training, nutrition and mindset so you can create a DRAMATIC and LASTING body transformation.

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3 Secrets to Dramatic & Lasting Body Transformations: PART TWO

This is a three part series to help men & women like you BREAKTHROUGH the barriers and myths of training, nutrition and mindset so you can create a DRAMATIC and LASTING body transformation.

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3 Secrets to Dramatic & Lasting Body Transformations: PART ONE

This is a three part series to help men & women like you BREAKTHROUGH the barriers and myths of training, nutrition and mindset so you can create a DRAMATIC and LASTING body transformation.  

PART ONE: How Training Sessions Should Really Feel…..

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Quick (But Lasting) Ways to Fix Your Lower Back Pain

Ah, the lower back. Almost every week I get a couple of questions from people with a tight and painful lower back. Or when people first sign-up to my gym, the constant use of muscles they’ve never trained before can cause a lot of tightness and pain in the lower back.

Usually this is because when you train the muscles of your back and legs as opposed to the more frequently trained chest and back – those untrained muscles are weak!

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The Love of War - A Quick Guide to Achieving Your Goals

There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.

 - Niccolo Machiavelli

Your goals define exactly what you want to achieve, where you want to go, who you want to meet and how you want to look.

More specifically, your goals define the milestones that you MUST reach (or think you must reach, not quite the same thing!) to complete your personal journey.

I’m not going to patronise you and tell you what your goals should be, or how you need to set them, only you can know the specifics. Just know this:

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Carry Heavy Stuff to Kick Ass

There seems to be two types of strength, ‘gym strength’ and ‘real strength’. I believe that you must train for both.

The best way to do this is by throwing in some strongman style carries at the end of your strength workouts, so after a squat day you might do some sled dragging or walk with a yolk or heavy bar on your back, after a bench workout you could do some farmers walks, or bear hug a keg or a stone and take it for a walk!

Just grab an awkward, heavy object and get walking! Heavy carries kick ass for the following reasons:

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