I got 99 fitness problems and Crossfit's one.....

Goddammit I have woken up FIRED up and ready to make a change!!


This is my bullet pointed attempt of an 'I have a dream' speech...


.....for fitness and health of course.


And no intro, I'm just gonna rock it out.


here we go!


I have a dream that ONE DAY...

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EVERYDAY ATHLETE: Fitness is F*cked

Now this is a rant!

I'm blown away by all of the awesome messages and comments about my latest few 'rants'.

Thanks to all of you, it really does mean a lot to know somebody is out there reading my thoughts.

But honestly, I'm just calling it how I see it.

I don't feel I'm ranting, I'm just shining a light on the truth and saying, 'hold on a sec!'

Truth is, fitness is f*cked.

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EVERYDAY ATHLETE: Isn't it Obvious?

Ever had a conversation with some super clever?

One of those where you have no fucking idea what they are talking about..

...but you nod along and agree anyway!

Like, "hey Ant, what were you talking to Steve about?"

"I have no idea, but I didn't want to seem stupid by asking!"

Well, I'm worried that in fitness we are doing that every day to our clients.

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COACHES CORNER: Working to Capacity - The Dangers of Overtraining

There is a lot of debate at the moment about the subject of “over training” i.e. over working muscle groups compared to conventional thought regarding how often and how hard we should be training. (Volume vs. Load vs. Frequency) 

Imagine your body as a glass of water, the space in the glass representing your potential work capacity for the week. Every time you train you add water to the glass, every time you rest the glass drains slightly but never fully draining the water added when you trained, as you continue to train and rest the glass will continue to fill. 

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Sharpen Your Axe

Have you started off 2017 with a fitness resolution?

If so…

is this a complete reboot for you?

Maybe you’ve spent a few months, even years, of doing nothing? No training hard, no eating right?

First off, WELL DONE.

I’m proud of anyone who’s confident enough to stand up and say “I’m not happy and I want to improve!”

That takes guts.

But here’s the problem:

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