My Advice on Eating Clean Foods

Be honest, do you struggle to eat healthy foods every day?


I sure as hell do.


Today I share the secret to staying on track.


I've always struggled to eat clean foods, in the amounts that would support my training goals.


A problem I've been aware of since starting training years ago.


A problem you're likely experiencing right now.


But the thing that fixed it for me is not what you think.


You see...

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The 'Get Back On It' Omelette...

Seemingly for no reason?


Here's what to do to 'get back on it'....


I always wish I had a magic 'panic button' that would get me back on track.


The magic button doesn't exist unfortunately.


But here's what I do instead


**drum roll**

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The Big Hairy Fitness Monster.....

Quick one before we get to today's fitness lesson....


** Our '6' in 60 Day Shred Challenge is NOW OPEN **


You will lose 6kg in 60 days or your money back and there's a £600 cash prize for the best transformation!


only £350, starts this Saturday and limited places available.

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Fitness isn't that hard...

I'm fed of seeing people failing to follow through on their goals


Good people too


People who should know better.


People who claim they don't have time to make a meal plan


yet have seen EVERY damn episode of that Tom Hardy thing on BBC


What. The. Fuck.


I'll change your life right now:

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Live in or near Warrington? This is for you!

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next '6' in 60 Days' challenge so you can look and feel great in 2017.

All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:



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Socks, details and success.

These two rules always hold true for 'success'


1) Do the right things


2) Stop doing stupid things


Whether success for you means sport, business, relationships, your job, lifting weights.


You can't violate these rules.


You can't work on the wrong things and let stupid things hold you back.



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is herbalife a scam?

The Incredible Adventures of Herbalife!


Oh yes, it's time for a good old rant again.


Today we are talking down herbalife.


Expect unbiased reporting as usual ;)


I see so many people trying to make money flogging bottles of this chemically castrated cat-food to their friends and family that it makes me sick.


I get that you want to make money.


It's so sexy, the alluring 'work from home' headlines.


Unfortunately they are selling a dream that will never come true.

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We could stop calling it 'weight loss'....

Conditional happiness happens when you say things like:


"I'll be happy when I fit into my bikini"


"I'll be happy when I get a promotion"


"I'll be happy when I bench press 100kg"


The happiness is conditional on you achieving whatever's in your mind.


Therefore, and this is THE most important thing....




Which is what I believe is the entire problem with the phrase:


"weight loss"

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Please stop weighing yourselves...

I used to love weighing myself, probably did it twice a day EVERY day.


I'd get obsessed about gaining weight for rugby.


I'd even set weight goals for each day.....'I'm gonna hit 13 stone by the end of today or die trying!' I'd affirm to myself.


Then inevitably the scales would make me unhappy as I wasn't heavy enough.

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